Sunday, February 15, 2009

Big Shower Day

Don't read this if you are easily offended by poop.

So once a week as an ostomy patient you have a big shower day. It has to be in the morning to minimize leakage and it is the day you change your ostomy appliance. I try to make this day on the weekend so I have maximum time and I don't have to get up stupid early before work. Honestly I hate and love this day. I love it because it is the only day I get to take off all my bandages and take a long shower, but I hate it because there is nothing worst than cleaning your whole body and then pooping on yourself and having to start over. For those who don't know you can't control your stoma and when it decides to go off. The thing has a mind of its own and no matter how many times you yell at it to behave (and all ostomy patients do this) it never listens.

So today is my shower day. I'm procrastinating cause it just takes so much work to change all my bandages and the appliance. I just want to have a normal shower, where all you need to go is dry yourself off afterward and get dressed. No big production. Ah, the days when a shower was just a shower. Never take for granted the small stuff that makes up normal life. Don't worry there is very little I can't do, but some stuff comes with added tasks, like taking a shower.

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